13. Fogra-Anwenderforum UV-Druck
Am 5. und 6. November fand zum 13. Mal das Anwenderforum UV-Druck des Fogra Forschungsinstituts in Aschheim bei München statt. 17 Referentinnen und Referenten berichteten über die aktuellen Entwicklungen der Branche.
Navigating the Learning Technology Odyssey: 2010-2024 — Weathering the Waves
Dies ist der dritte Teil eines kleinen Ausflugs in die EdTech-Geschichte. Die Milestones, die die Autor:innen dieses Mal mitbringen, lauten: Mobile Learning, MOOCs, 3D Printing, Gamification, Metaverse, Microcredentials, Remote Collaboration, Hybrid Learning und, natürlich, AI.
„Into Unknown Waters
AI in education is just now setting sail on an uncharted ocean — an unpredictable journey that challenges deep-rooted beliefs about teaching and learning. AI amplifies possibilities, opening new routes for personalized, responsive learning and for the more imaginative, all sorts of problem solving and new opportunities. Yet, it stirs hard-to-articulate fears: the risk of AI ‘taking the helm’ and casting shadows over human intuition, empathy, even the concepts of learning and education. Clearly, there is a strong evolving relationship between us as human-educators and AI. A shout out from us: let’s be there to steer, rather than howl at the moon.“
Den roten Faden, der die Stichworte zusammenhält, soll es dann Ende November auf der Online Educa in Berlin geben.
Gilly Salmon und Wilfred Rubens, OEB Insights, 8. November 2024
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